Entrevista EDIT.
Andrés Ortiz - Developer Program Manager na Google


No dia 3 de junho realizou-se na EDIT. Lisboa o Google Roadshow, um evento exclusivo da Google que contou com palestras de profissionais internacionais da área tecnológica. Assim, a EDIT. aproveitou o momento para entrevistar um dos oradores, Andrés Ortiz, Developer Program Manager na Google em Espanha.

Fica a saber mais sobre o dia-a-dia de trabalho do Andrés, como é trabalhar numa multinacional como a Google e qual a sua opinião sobre as tendências e futuro da Internet.

Qual a tua função atual na Google e como é a tua rotina de trabalho?

I am focused on driving the success of Google’s developer products and the open web by creating a thriving ecosystem of 3rd party applications and businesses built on them. Closely with Product Management, Marketing, PR, Business Development, and other, I work with and support developer communities, initiating activities that meet the needs of the innovation ecosystem.

Qual o maior desafio de trabalhar numa empresa como a Google?

Our main challenge is to help developers successfully face the innovation in software technologies, driving social and economical improvement of the countries.

No Google Roadshow @EDIT. referiste a Firebase, uma nova framework. Podes explicá-la?

Firebase gather together all the elements that the developers need to create successful mobile apps, continuing with backend services, but also including a new buch of innovative solution to implement app quality processes, grow audiences and monetize mobile apps.

Qual pensas que será o futuro da Internet?

Well, it will be bigger, including millions of sensors and with the help of new machine learning technologies, smarter.

Podes partilhar conosco alguns dos recursos que usas para te manteres atualizado nas notícias/tendências sobre a Internet e tecnologia?

For me, professional associations are quite useful. In particular, I am member of IEEE, ACM, Linux Foundation and Computer Society. But a part of this, there is no a single point of information. I use to share tons of curated content throught my twitter account (@davilagrau).

Que conselho dás a quem ambiciona integrar o mercado da área Web?

The only advice would be: keep connected. For the lastest trends, it is really dificult to get information throught the traditional channels. Internet and online communities are the only way to get access to many of the resources about innovation and technologies.


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